Thursday, November 10, 2011

Need Sleep

Ethan was a great sleeper.
Notice I said was?
One night, when he was about 3 months old,
Scott woke up in the middle of the night.
He asked me if Ethan had woken.
"No," I replied in a dreamy state.
"Did you check on him?" he asked.
Well Ethan was soundly asleep.
And from that day on, 
he slept through the night.
All my mates were envious.
They had children waking numerous times a night.

And then Ethan turned 4.
And suddenly he's waking at night.
I know the whole Supernanny thing says to walk them back to bed.
But at 1am, you need to make sure he pees.
And then he decided he wanted to sleep in our bed.
But Ethan tosses and turns all night,
so if we want sleep, it's not a good idea
to have him sleep with us.

About 2 months ago, 
this all ended
and Ethan was back to sleeping through the night.
Until last week that is...

With Ethan being sick,
he'd wake at 10pm with a fever.
and wanting to watch over him,
I'd let him sleep with us.

But now Ethan's better.
Yeah, he's better!
Only he's back to waking in the middle of the night.
And he's back to insisting on sleeping with us.
For 2 nights,
we didn't want the fight,
only to have him kick Scott out of bed.
Last night, 
we faced the challenge,

So now, I need some sleep.
Please Ethan,
please sleep through the night.
Or if you do wake,
go back to sleep.


Susan Anderson said...

Good luck, Mama! Sounds like you need to get some rest!!


SarahMarie said...

I laugh because that's my usual night. How did he sleep tonight?