Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Nightingale - Dawn Rae Miller

I have been waiting
for months for the release 
of Nightingale.
I thought this day
would never come.
And there's not a vampire
in sight.

Nightingale is the second book
in The Sensitives.
In the first book, 
we met Lark.
I fell in love with her,
and Beck.
They were characters you could love.

Miller does not let you down.
I've actually caught myself
refering to these characters 
as real people.

At the end of Larkstorm,
Lark left Beck
in hopes of saving him.
Now back home with her mother
and sister-in-law,
she struggles to keep control of her Dark Magic,
her love for Beck
and, well,
her sanity.

But she must prove to be a strong descendant
of Caitlin Greene.
And soon Lark looses her sense of self.
Has she turned Dark?
Does Beck's Light still reside in her?
Is someone trying to control her?
Is she fated to kill the one she loves?
And who can she trust?

just like a real person.
Utterly confused.
And in need of someone to help her.

we just have to wait 
before learning her ultimate fate!

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